我們花聖實業自1997年之前就開始在中國上海從事專業的人造植物開發、生產和人工造景業務,目前我們在上海擁有約2000平方米的展示廳,可稱是上海最大的展示廳。公司擁有一支高效負責的管理隊伍以及在同行業工作五年以上的高品質熟練生產員工,現已與歐洲、美洲、亞洲等幾十個國外客戶建立了穩定的貿易合作關係。我們擁有相對低廉的成本和多年積累的生產工藝以及成熟的海外貿易經驗。 我們的仿真植物、仿真綠化產品、插花
S鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Shanghai Hua Sheng Industrial Co., Ltd.

本店業務以經營二手珠寶,錶飾鋼筆,古玩舊物為主,我們對收購的貨品質量非常嚴格. 本店所販賣之飾品古玩均來自世界各地,在網上或本店,您可尋找到一些較特色, 罕有之早期品牌,停產,絕版或具收藏價值之珠寶古玩物品. 給收藏愛好者一個"專業 鑑賞 悠閒"的購物地方. 如果你喜歡古董老物,歡迎您一起來尋寶(敬請預約) 歡迎海外客戶訂購 (不包括運費) 如有任何疑問,歡迎致電或電郵給本公
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝金濤博藏 UNIQUE VINTAGE JEWELRY

Globe Information Technology Limited (Globe-IT) is a full-service IT Outsourcing Service Provider based in Hong Kong. We are specialized in designing, building and managing IT system and infrastructu
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫地球資訊科技有限公司

Our Group, Poly (Hong Kong) is a subsidiary of China Poly Group and is the sole property flagship listed overseas of our parent company, China Poly Group, a large-scale central enterprise under the su
物業地產 / 地產代理公司保利(香港)投資有限公司

Avivasoft Limited About Us Founded in 2003 to develop & deploy a powerful integrated web-based messaging and collaboration application. Avivasoft is privately held and headquartered in Hong Kong.
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫天工軟件有限公司

Black hair styling, cornrows, dreadlocks, braids, kinki twist, hair extension
美容 / 髮型設計及護髮HONG KONG BRAID

Donnelley Simpson Cleary & Oehlers, a firm of M&E consultants offers a complete service for the mission critical IT physical environment as well as building services for hotels, industrial, i
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫迪致工程顧問有限公司

.Our goal is providing high quality and the most comprehensive services to help corporations or investors exploit their business at home or abroad. .L F Z visa extension .Business registration .Work/

汽車上會 本公司擁有多年代客辦理汽車按竭經驗,並獲得多間銀行支持,信譽良好,交收清楚,私家車及商用車均可上曾、翻按。 汽車貸款大概分為兩類 HIRE PURCHASE (HP)(分期供款 ): 利率比Lease為高,但由於HP是以每期供款計算,在提早贖會時亦會減回利息支出, 所以較多人選擇。 LEASE (租貸) : 利率比HP為低,但供款人需先預繳約二至六期的尾數供款,在計算第一期供款實際比借

南風發展有限公司 於 1978 年成立以來,積極發展花卉園藝服務,提供優質月租植物及保養,亦為顧客設計及佈置園林。每年由美國入口聖誕樹,聖誕花及經銷農曆年桃花桔果。 Since its establishment in 1978, Nam Fung Development Ltd. has been providing excellent nursery services, for retail
N鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Nam Fung Development Ltd.

Real Estate Services Residential Leasing We provide detailed information about the local living environment and housing market, and help to identify an apartment or house that fits the client’s requi
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Pacific Relocations - Pacific Properties

Premier Capital Group was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1988. From its beginning as a joint venture with a US company, Premier Capital's dedication to client satisfaction has allowed it to be one of t
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Premier Capital Limited

Founded in Shanghai in 1857, Wheelock and Company Limited is a listed investment holding company (Stock Code: 20) headquartered in Hong Kong. The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 4) , the Groupˇ
物業地產 / 地產代理公司會德豐有限公司

Regus is the world’s largest provider of workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever the

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本公司以客為本,為不同類型的客人提供多款不同的汽車款式, 價錢大眾化,職員忠誠有禮。 提供快捷方便的登記程序,日租24小時$400起, 即日登記即日取車,車新款多,不限牌齡, 迎合新牌的您。 九龍上海街28號恆邦商業中心11樓1103室 Rm1103, Hang Bong Comm. Centre, No.28 Shanghai Street,Jordan, Kowloon Tel : 3527

Christine M. Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries is a Hong Kong law firm established in 1992. The scope of practice includes, but is not limited to, insurance and pension, banking, trust, conveya
C商業 / 法律事務Christine M.Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries 顧張文菊律師行

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美容 / 教學進修成生

We are a full service law firm founded in Hong Kong in 1985. As one of the first law firms licensed by the PRC Ministry of Justice to establish two law offices in the People's Republic of China, in B
V商業 / 法律事務Vcc Law Services

Fujifilm Mini-Squash Scheme 2005/2006 - Carnival (20 Mar) Title-sponsored by FUJIFILM , the 8th " Fujifilm Mini-Squash Scheme 2005/2006 - CARNIVAL " run successfully at the Kowloon Park, Mini-Soccer
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